199 Bishopsgate

Armourcoat Clay Lime Plaster finish creates contemporary welcoming environment whilst achieving BREEAM Excellence at London workspace

Location: London
Architect: Buckley Gray Yeoman
Photographer: Sam Phillips
Close up of Clay Lime Clime Honed plaster finish - 07
Clay Lime Plaster Clime Honed
Marl Silt
Close up of Clay Lime Clime Honed plaster finish - 13
Clay Lime Plaster Clime Honed
Milled Lead

Helping achieve BREEAM Excellence

British Land is committed to creating sustainable, high end office campuses. Its refurbishment of the 146,000 sq ft sustainable workspace at 199 Bishopsgate typifies that ethos. The upgraded building has achieved BREEAM Excellent and an EPC B rating.

In the re-imagination of the 12-storey building, architect Buckley Gray Yeoman chose Clay Lime Plaster surface finish, Clime Honed, to create a welcoming environment in the main reception, collaborative lounge and lobby areas.

The fine texture of Clime Honed optimises a natural look. 100% cement and VOC free, it is a biodegradable natural product with over 70% recycled content and low embodied carbon. It also has an A1 fire rating. Clay Lime Plaster has third party environmental and health product declarations.

Armourcoat’s specialist team hand-applied the Clay Lime Plaster finish in ‘Milled Lead‘ and ‘Marl Silt‘ colours to give a subtle depth of texture and colour across the double-storey atrium enhancing the high-end finish of the Cat A offices.

With its low embodied carbon and depth of texture, Clay Lime Plaster gave a natural, sustainable finish in line with the entire refurbishment scheme.

Paul Ornsby, Senior Architect, Buckley Gray Yeoman

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